Subject: Re: CD/X/network adapter failure.
To: None <>
From: -P.Chase <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/17/2001 07:55:47
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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i finally got netbsd to load on one system. though i had to swap the cd burner from my compaq. (the older cd-rom's dont like 700MB cd-r's huh?)
even then i wasnt able to get the X distribution sets to unpack. it would give me a pciide cd0 error so i did he custom install with the main stuff and figured i could add X later through a network connexion.
i had two NICs in but i could only ping ep0, ep1 was unreachable. while i was attempting to hook the pc up to a linksys router, i got this message in green
ep0 network adapter failure ffffff
i havent had a chance to take it apart to see if the card is just fried or what. but after i rebooted it is still not showing the old ep0 while ep1 has become ep0. before the failure thre LEDs on the NIC and the router indicated that they were connected though i couldnt yet ping the router. now the LEDs are all off even with ep0 configured.
my questions are how can i get the system to recognize multiple cards and how can i get the pc and the router talking, since the router has browser based administration, without a web browser? thanx
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