Subject: Re: >4GB RAM on i386??
To: None <>
From: David Laight <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/16/2001 19:25:00
> On the coutrary, e.g. Solaris handles > 4GB memory fine - it "just
> works", without need for special calls in applications. (I've not
> tried this, but Sun writes this in their docs).
Probably does - mind you the number of 'abstraction layers' between a
solaris device driver and the hardware has to be seem to be believed.
Any driver trying to do dma into a buffer above 4G will find the dma_map()
will fail.
I wonder how they to disk i/o into this memory?
Is it possibly to remap the DRAM banks (ie in a different order) on the
fly to make this work?
(cf the way your physical memory ends up contiguous on a PC regardless
of which SIMM slots you fill)