Subject: Re: IA-1 "refurbished" units
To: Peter Seebach <>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/16/2001 10:05:17
On Sun, Dec 16, 2001 at 11:39:07AM -0600, Peter Seebach wrote:
> This isn't a netpliance. This is an IA-1. Anyway, it's unclear how you
> can enforce any such thing. What, exactly, is the license to which I have
> agreed? I can't find one.
Well, I guess the question may have been:
"Is there any 'fine print' on the Compaq web page order system that
suggests, implies, or states that purchasing the IA-1 for $99 obligates
the buyer to subscribe to something like MSN at the mentioned rates?"
Sounds like there wasn't, which is cool. The fact that you can boot the
IA-1 from CF is very nice, much better than the IOpener. If you rebuild
/bin/* and /sbin/* dynamically you can save quite a bit of space, as long
as you have / and /usr on the same filesystem.
I have been able to get a basic Xserver, configured for a remote xfs,
loaded in the 16MB of flash on my IOpener. With an 80MB CF, I would
think you could add fonts and a browser, provided you go through by
hand and remove unneeded binaries.