Subject: Re: IA-1 "refurbished" units
To: None <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/16/2001 11:39:07
In message <>,
>On Sat, Dec 15, 2001 at 05:58:11PM -0600, Peter Seebach wrote:
>> >Do you have to register?
>> Why would I have to register? I'm not using MSN, and I'm not using their
>> software.
>I read that Netpliance's licensing made ISP subscription required.
This isn't a netpliance. This is an IA-1. Anyway, it's unclear how you
can enforce any such thing. What, exactly, is the license to which I have
agreed? I can't find one.
>I thought, "The IA-1 sales page is vague, might Compaq have similar intent?"
>Thanks to your answer, now I know that Compaq does not.
Even if they have such *INTENT*, I never agreed to anything. No court will
(currently) uphold an "agreement" that one party isn't aware of.