Subject: Re: Fw: Multiple Boot setup for XP
To: sfalken <>
From: Wojciech Puchar <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/13/2001 19:47:46
> Hey there folks, just curious, has anybody come up with (or does there already exist a bootloader?) that will work with WinXP? I've got NetBSD-1.5.2, XP, and Slackware 8.0 on this machine, and it's getting a little old using bootdisks to get at Linux or nBSD, and so far, I've had NO luck getting a bootloader setup.
does having 2 unices and 3 OS total at once make really sense? will you
really learn all three?
> And as an aside, is there a way to pass an argument to the kernel to get different console sizes? with lilo and linux, I just pass vga=ask or vga=x to the kernel from the boot prompt, and it gives me different resolutions to choose from, I just find 80x24 to be really annoying.
man wsconscfg (-t option). unfortunately you haven't as many choices as in
linux. and i don't know if it can be done through wscons.conf autoconfig
mechanism (never looked at it).
it you have winXP booting you must have very powerful machine, so
running X, well configured win-manager and many Xterms (with any font size you like)
the best solution