Subject: Re: NetBSD-1.5.2
To: James Tuman Nelson <>
From: John Hawkinson <jhawk@MIT.EDU>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/27/2001 22:31:20
| I notice that things are not as reliable as before. I have had a few
| interesting panic crashes.
Umm, reading your message, I don't see any information about panics
at all. Please note that when you do get a panic, the right thing to do
is to file a PR and to include the stack trace from the panic.
| One was caused by a power outage, that trashed my /.
Err, a power outage is not a panic -- or did the power outage take
place and then you get a panic subsequently? In any case, "trashing"
your filesystem should not happen. Is it possible for you to explain
in detail what symptoms you saw?
| Since then I have installed 1.5.2 on the same disk, and so far no
| crashes.
Sounds like no panics, then, yes? One power-induced problem and no
further problems?
| Still, certain things do not appear to be consistent. For a while,
| I could not ping one of my other computers on my network, and then I
| could after a few reboots of the 386 box.
We'd need more information.
| Another time, I ran pppd to open a connection to the isp, and I
| could not read the network table with netstat -r.
Perhaps you had no DNS? Try netstat -rn.
Thanks for your report, though.