Subject: Re: sleep and hibernate...
To: Peter Seebach <>
From: Steven M. Bellovin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/22/2001 21:49:48
In message <>, Peter Seebach writes
>In message <>, "Valeriy E. Ushakov" wri
>>On Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 18:44:05 -0600, Peter Seebach wrote:
>>> 1. Anyone done this?
>>NetBSD hybernates just fine on my Dell Latitude.
>>> 2. Any obvious design flaws/gotchas? (e.g., I can't do it naively on my
>>> system, because the swap partition may get trashed while NetBSD is asleep.)
>>> 3. Is there some established protocol for writing code which says
>>> "then replace the entire contents of memory with this stream, and
>>> jump to a specific location"?
>>But isn't laptop's bios supposed to handle it itself?
>Not on this system, anyway. Or, at least, it doesn't seem to; it seems to
>hibernate to part of the Windows drive when you tell Windows to hibernate.
>It might be that, if I repartitioned to have a special hibernation partition,
>it'd do this automatically - unfortunately, I already have 4 FDISK partitions.
>(Windows, weird boot diagnostics, NetBSD, and BSD/OS.)
>>When you turn the power on, BIOS detects a hybernated netbsd in that
>>special partition and restores it instead of booting.
>In Windows, anyway, my system gets as far as displaying the splash screen
>before realizing that it's got a saved state to restore. Maybe this is just
>a chintzy bios, or maybe it's the hibernation partition...
What kind of laptop is this? On my old IBM laptops, hibernate worked
through the BIOS; on my current one (a T21), it's done through the OS,
which means that it doesn't work under NetBSD,
--Steve Bellovin,
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