Subject: Re: Reset PCMCIA network card
To: Mark White <>
From: Steven M. Bellovin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/21/2001 14:27:59
In message <>, Mark White writes:
>Is there any way to reset PCMCIA ethernet devices (simulate
>having them removed and replaced) from software?
>I have a (very elderly) Toshiba laptop, with a D-Link
>DE-660+ pcmcia ethernet card (ne0). It's running a (very
>slightly modified) 1.5.2 system. After it's been in suspend
>mode, the network card needs to be reset before it will work
>again; until that it produces 'device timeout' errors. It'd
>be convenient to be able to do this from a script...
I assume you've tried ifconfig down/up?
Does it work if the card is ifconfig'ed down before the suspend, and
ifconfig'ed up after resume? If so, you can write some /etc/apm
scripts to automate that.
--Steve Bellovin,
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