Subject: Re: partially OT: reading EPROM/FLASH image
To: Thomas Michael Wanka <>
From: Wojciech Puchar <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/05/2001 11:10:29
> Hi,
> IIRC the modern boards that support 2MB flash roms (and I thought
> it were 2MBit) ususally make use of it. There are emergency setups
so if i buy 2MB (16Mbit) FLASH can i put it here, use first 256kB (2Mbit)
for BIOS image and rest for my own things?
> that let you boot from floppy and reflash in case the Bios update
> process failed, as well as software reaid functionality and I have
> one board that supports tty controlling of the Bios setup, POST and
> boot process. Newer Bios update files with up to 250KB have been
> seen. Be careful.
> I do not know how to do it anyway.
maybe any URL?