Subject: Re: Pentium or Pentium II?
To: Richard Rauch <>
From: Bang Jun-Young <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/30/2001 07:37:02
On Sat, Sep 29, 2001 at 05:07:57AM -0500, Richard Rauch wrote:
> A few years ago, my oldest brother bought a Gateway 2000 laptop. The
> sticker claims that it's a Pentium II.
> Over time, it's burned out a bit or two of itself, and has had to have
> stuff repaired/replaced.
> Recently, I bought the laptop off of my brother, since I wanted a laptop
> (and he didn't really need it anymore, being more of a Mac user).
> I promptly took MS-WINDOWS off of it and put NetBSD on it. I notice that
> the boot message log says:
> cpu0: Intel Pentium/MMX (Tillamook) (586-class), 233.87 MHz
> ...on the other hand, I have a Gateway 2000 desktop that is identified as
> an Intel Pentium II, and ``(Klamath)''.
> I assume that this means that the CPU is really a plain Pentium. But, I
> haven't ever paid much attention to the (apparently various) sub-models
Yes, it's a Pentium. While the family ID of Pentium (including Pentium
with MMX) is 5 (that's why it's called 586-class), that of Pentium Pro,
II, III, and Celeron is 6 (686-class). And AFAIK, the initial clock
frequency of Pentium II was 266Mhz when it was introduced.
> of CPU's. I was curious if it might be sold by Intel as a Pentium II but
> classified (for compatibility/etc.) by NetBSD as a plain Pentium.
No, it's not possible. NetBSD gets information from the result of
cpuid instruction provided by processor itself.
Bang Jun-Young <>