Subject: Re: ulpt0 - bidirectional problem
To: None <>
From: Jeff Weisberg <jaw@Op.Net>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/25/2001 10:43:36
Lennart Augustsson replied:
| Ernst du Toit wrote:
| > Hi
| >
| > I'm trying to read the status messages from my Epson Stylus Printer
| > attached via USB with epsUtils and escputil shipping with gimp-print.
| >
| > Both fail trying to read from /dev/ulpt0. Does the ulpt driver in 1.5.1
| > support reading from the port?
| No, you can't read from the ulpt. This is following the way lpt works,
| but necessarily what you want. :-)
| It's probably easy to add read if you know exactly what the read is
| supposed to do. I don't.
the usb printer spec (
specifies that a usb printer is optionally bi-directional.
looking at ulpt.c, it appears that this was known by the author. the code
checks whether the printer reports itself as bi-directional (UIPROTO_PRINTER_BI)
and has everything except for the actual ulptread().
if someone doesn't beat me to it, and I find some free time, I'll give it
a whack.