Subject: Re: Ramdisks often full
To: Hubert Feyrer <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/24/2001 17:22:46
>> In any event, given that the most-common cases (2-disk boots and 2.88MB
>> images) have lots of free space, maybe the default sizes of memory images
>> and disk images should be bumped a bit?
>What, and take out all the fun of trying to squeeze the ramdisk-image
>into the kernel, only to see it doesn't fit on the floppy later? Nooo...

well...there is a simple, deterministic way to go through it.  the
snapshot process doesn't exactly do things in that order, but...

>(Serious: yes, it would be a fine thing to not need to pre-set the
>size of the ramdisk)

fwiw, i cvs updated on friday evening and finished building a snapshot
this morning (my machine is not slow, i am) with no problems, except
for a little bit of newfs breakage.  that got fixed (rev 1.56) and now
it's all good.  the floppies all fit right out of the box.

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