Subject: Re: KDE 2.1
To: Jens Osbahr <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/06/2001 08:44:47
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On Thu, Sep 06, 2001 at 09:35:08AM +0200, Jens Osbahr wrote:
> I have installed NetBSD 1.5.1 and pkg_added the KDE 2.1 package.
> Graphical login is only possible for root.
> When I try to login as a normal user the dcopserver cannot be found. Is
> there any way to fix this?
At a guess, you did the pkg_add as root with something other than a
022 umask. (You can probably verify this by doing a pkg_info as a
regular user.)
Ideally, the package would use install(1) with appropriate arguments
to keep this from happening.
Even if that's not the problem, figuring out where dcopserver is
when you log in as root and then checking the permissions on that
file and on the path up to it will probably fix your problem.
~ g r @
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