Subject: Re: Upgrade 1.5 -> 1.5.1
To: Georges Heinesch <>
From: Steven M. Bellovin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/04/2001 10:13:33
In message <>, "Georges Heinesch" writ
>Quoting Nick Hudson (03-Sep-01 12:03:18):
>> On Monday 03 September 2001 09:14, Georges Heinesch wrote:
>>> To gain ISDN functionalities, I would like to upgrade from i-382
>>> 1.5 to 1.5.1.
>> Unfortunately only -current contains the ISDN support.
>Which means ISDN support should be within 1.5.2, right?
>>> Is this upgrade requiring internal structure changes in /etc/*

While someone could back-port the code, -current is the precursor to 1.6, 
not to 1.5.2.  I'm not a NetBSD developer, but based on the way the 
release schedules go I'd assume that 1.5.2 won't have it.

		--Steve Bellovin,