Subject: Solaris on i386..
To: None <>
From: User Noud <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/01/2001 18:58:51
may i address a small question?
i'd like to get solaris emulation going on NetBSD/i386 1.5.1
(cause i'd like to get a basic realserver going (again))
i did read man compat_svr4, i guess this is the compat i need.
i did read i had to get Solaris libs.
you'd think if i download the first free solaris 8 intel diskimage
from, i could extract the necessary libs from that diskimage??
(i'm asking on forehand cause i'm on a slow link)
or f.i. is the version, being 8 to high?
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E-Mail: User Noud <>
Date: 01-Sep-2001
Time: 18:52:55
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