Subject: Re: Installation boot diskettes hang, so do dosbooted kernels
To: None <>
From: Thomas Mueller <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/31/2001 02:36:57
from me:
> I have 20 MB RAM in that Cx486DX2-S at 66 MHz computer, so
> (Free, Net or Open)BSD should not be pinched for booting and installation. But
> I imagine Netscape or Mozilla would crawl if it would run at all.
Wojciech Puchar responded:
>use netscape 3
>works good on 16MB, usable on 8
I guess I could look for Netscape 3 in packages collection? What about
Emacs W3 or Amaya? I remember there was an Amaya binary for Linux. But first,
I must overcome NetBSD's reluctance to boot on my computer. DR-DOS 7.03 remains
the only OS I have installed.
> >You could try disabling wdc1 in the CMOS settings. I have one
> >computer, a 486 VLB, for which I have to do that.
> >Frederick