Subject: Re: A patch to linux emulation
To: Bang Jun-Young <>
From: Emmanuel Dreyfus <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/27/2001 21:43:29
> I have found that you removed declaration of struct linux_sys_mmap_args
> in common/linux_mmap.h by mistake. ;-)
It was not a mistake, The PowerPC port does not build anymore with the
struct linux_sys_mmap_args definition there. I removed it, but I
suspected a problem with other ports...
> I haven't tested them fully enough, so
> more tests (with other apps) would be needed.
Nevermind. If you are able to run a statically linked binary and a
dynamically linked binary, then we know it's okay.
Emmanuel Dreyfus. Cette signature vous est fournie telle quelle, sans
aucune garantie de fonctionnement. En la lisant, vous acceptez
implicitement tous les degats qu'elle pourrait causer, materiellement
ou logiciellement.