Subject: sb 128 pci (ensoniq)
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Kent Polk <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/13/2001 00:04:47
After various recommendations for an SB 128 pci audio card, I picked
up an Ensoniq CT5880 this weekend. Using kde2, it appears to not
be fully supported though. The kde2 audio mixer KMix locates it
and can control overall volume, balance and muting. Unfortunately,
it can only seem to control digital audio. I can't get any analog
audio signal through any of the input connectors to be made available
to the output.
Is this a known problem or am I missing something?
NetBSD 1.5.1 (GENERIC) #56: Mon Jul 2 15:54:23 CEST 2001
cpu0: AMD K6-2 (586-class), 501.16 MHz
eap0 at pci0 dev 12 function 0: Ensoniq CT5880 CT5880C (rev. 0x02)
eap0: interrupting at irq 9
eap0: SigmaTel STAC9708 codec; 18 bit DAC, 18 bit ADC, Rockwell 3D
audio0 at eap0: full duplex, mmap, independent
midi0 at eap0: AudioPCI MIDI UART
midi1 at pcppi0: PC speaker
sysbeep0 at pcppi0
Note that KMix works with:
NetBSD 1.5.1 (GENERIC) #56: Mon Jul 2 15:54:23 CEST 2001
cpu0: AMD Athlon Model 4 (Thunderbird) (686-class), 1336.44 MHz
auvia0 at pci0 dev 7 function 5: VIA VT82C686A AC'97 Audio (rev 0x50)
auvia0: interrupting at irq 9
auvia0: ICE17 codec; headphone, 18 bit DAC, 18 bit ADC, Unknown 3D
audio0 at auvia0: full duplex, mmap, independent