Subject: Re: 1.5 Package on 1.5.1?
To: Andy Ball <>
From: David Burgess <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/09/2001 08:37:46
Andy Ball wrote:
> Hello!
[...elided ...]
> Is the 1.5 package likely
> to run under 1.5.1, or should I try building it on my
> machine at home, which has the compiler set installed?
The 1.5 kit had better 'just work' on a 1.5.1 machine. The libraries
are supposed to be backwards compatible and the executable format is
exactly the same.
If the package doesn't work (which would be an easy thing to test),
you need to send-pr the problem so that one of the core folks can
find out what failed in backward compatability.
> Regards,
> - Andy Ball