Subject: Re: AMD-760 support?
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Tom Spindler <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/06/2001 16:11:51
> Well, I'm not so sure about the southbridge part of the AMD chipset, as I
> use SCSI in my machines - I can't comment on IDE performance and
> such. What I've experienced on this machine so far has been quite zippy -
> I'm quite pleased with it performance wise and stability wise. Also,
> realize that my last machine on the i386 side was a ppro 200, so most any
> Athalon is quite nice.
> I believe this m/b uses the VIA southbridge, but, again, I'm not terribly
> worried about IDE performance. Memory timings seem to be a bit zippier
> than normal, and is pretty consistent with the benchmarks I've seen out
> there for DDR based boards (a slight performance increase in memory
> bandwidth). I imagine that, with his dual Athalon
> board, sees a bit more of an improvement ;-)
I just bought a FIC AD11 mobo, and unlike the Asus A7V133, it has
not shown any of the massive amounts of grief the Asus mobo gave me.
FWIW, this is with multiple IDE drives in the machine, and with heavy
activity between chains. (dump/restore and pax'en, for instance.)
The only annoying thing is that performance gets kinda pokey when
using the (onboard) auvia audio device, but that's to be expected.
Anybody wanna buy a barely-used Asus A7V133? ha ha.