Subject: Re: Dicing with disks
To: Andy Ball <>
From: David Burgess <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/01/2001 14:02:55
Frederick Bruckman wrote:
> On Wed, 1 Aug 2001, Andy Ball wrote:
> > Okay, this is what I've managed to do with disklabel so far. I haven't
> > figured out how to enter values for fsize, bsize and cpg.
> Just change them in the editor. Or you not editing the label with
> "disklabel -e"? You can set the environment variable ${EDITOR} to an
> editor that you're familiar with if you don't like "vi".
> > c: 332258 46 4.2BSD 0 0 0 # (Cyl. 0*- 902)
> > d: 332304 0 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - 902)
> That _might_ work, but you're better off leaving "c" as unused, and
> making an "a" of the same size, of type 4.2BSD.
Historically, Partition 'a' was the root partition, 'b' was the swap
partition, 'c' was the NetBSD portion of the disk, and 'd' was the
entire hard drive.
You should change 'c:' to 'a:', then add an unused 'c:' of the same
size. Drives 'c' and 'd' are used at specific times and aren't set
to a type, typically.
If you leave the fsize, bsize, and cpg alone, the 'newfs' program
will set them for you. This actually makes sense, since the
information wouldn't be correct (at this time) since there is no
format on the tracks you want to use.
At this point, however, I would really recommend sysinst to set this
stuff up. It works well and should allow you to set up the drive and
get the software installed.
Also, unless you don't want your changes written to disk, you need
to specify '-r' as an option. For example, "disklabel -e -r sd0"
will allow you go drop into 'vi' and edit the fields. A more
useful feature (especially early on) is 'disklabel -i -r sd0',
which goes into an 'interactive' mode that doesn't require an