Subject: Re: Dicing with disks
To: None <>
From: Andy Ball <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/01/2001 01:10:23
Hello Wojciech!
WP> no. disklabel divides for BSD and fdisk for BIOS.
Hmm... I was right the first time then, and my memory is
playing tricks on me (evidently no ECC here! ;-) Is fdisk
peculiar to the i386 port?
WP> don't need fdisk if you do only netbsd.
Great, one less program to figure out! :-)
WP> ...please remove mbr with...
Will my boot selector program survive that, or should I
re-install it before my next boot?
WP> run disklabel -i wd0 and do only W once again
Thanks, I'll try that.
WP> newfs -m 5 -b 4096 -f 512 -i 8192 -c 50 /dev/rwd0a
> ...(or use -m 0 -b 8192 -f 1024 -i 32768 assuming you
> will store large files)
Hmm, I'm not sure how large the files are likely to be. I'll
give this some thought. Thanks.
- Andy.