Subject: Re: How to get hardware supported?
To: None <>
From: Konrad Neuwirth <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/23/2001 22:33:32
Hi Jaromír,
> Don't know about others, but chances are the Promise Ultra100/TX2
> controller would not be too hard to support, since Promise Ultra100
> is already supported. How does NetBSD probe the card, what
> does the kernel write when you boot NetBSD?
The 100 TX/2 is register incompatible with the Ultra 100. I have
-- unsucessfully -- tried getting documentation out of Promise on
that card, but finally decided to just skip it. I sold my
brand-new TX/2 and got myself the older, supported, card via ebay.
Archive has some discussion from my trials with the card,
including debug output on booting, AFAIR.
Konrad Neuwirth