Subject: Re: I have a lot off soft errors on my IDE disks ( and now the new one also)
To: Jan H. van Gils <JanVG@Knoware.NL>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/21/2001 21:24:38
On Sat, Jul 21, 2001 at 08:49:52PM +0200, Jan H. van Gils wrote:
> 	Hi,
> Thanks for reading.
> For about a year now I am running NetBSD-current on my
> Pentium 133 and later Pentium-II. But there is a strange
> think.
> Two months ago my first master IDE crashed after a lot of
> messages:
> 	"date time hostname /netbsd: wd0a: uncorrectable data error reading fsbn
> 2986992 of 2986992-2987007 (wd0 bn 2986992; cn 2963 tn 4 sn 36), retrying"
> 	"date time hostname /netbsd: wd0: soft error (corrected)"
> I changed the disk and the main board and now I have similar
> errors in my messages file.
> I have never seen these errors when I was running Linux on
> my system.
> Are there known problems to the IDE drivers that could cause
> these problems ?

No, and the "uncorrectable data error" really means the disk couldn't read
a sector. It's hard to say more, IDE isn't very verbose about errors.
A retry succeded, I don't know why - maybe the drive remapped the bad sector.
It can also be other type of problems, like bad power supply, or bad cable ...

Manuel Bouyer <>