Subject: RE: NetBSD docs
To: 'maximum entropy' <>
From: David Woyciesjes <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/19/2001 10:07:36
I can help with this, by doing proof-reading, and checking for readability.
! >> You will find many of the BSD documents in /usr/share/doc
! >It's common answer for BSD. It's not sufficient.
! I didn't say it was sufficient. I said it would be a starting point.
Either way, I think that starting with the existing docs is the
right idea. I think that stating with the Programmer's manual, the to
SYsAdmin, then finish with the Users Guide should be the way to go. This
way, everyone in the documentation team will get a good understanding of the
system, and will have an easier time explaning the info for the SysAdmin,
then the User. Make sense?
Or should it be Users, SYsAdmin, then Programmers?
! >> I'm not sure why you think the PRM is a horror. It would
! probably be
! >> the easiest since it's essentially just the man pages
! (sections 2, 3,
! >> 4, and 5) which are rather well-maintained in NetBSD.
! >I partially agree.
! >I do _NOT_ want to start flame war, but Programmer manuals
! should be much
! >more theoretical than present
! >man pages. No ?
! You said "programmer's manual". I took that to mean "programmer's
! reference manual". If you meant "programmer's supplementary
! documents", then I agree.
Actually, it seems like a programmers book would be a mix of both.
Start off the book (or maybe section) with the facts, the way things are;
then follow with the theory.
But if you need to split it, The manual should be the facts, and the
supplement would have the theory, but strcutured exactly the same way, for
cross-referencing purposes.
Just my USD$0.02... :-)
--- David A Woyciesjes
--- C & IS Support Specialist
--- Yale University Press
--- (203) 432-0953
--- ICQ # - 905818