Subject: Re: DSL or Cable Modem for NetBSD
To: Todd Vierling <>
From: Bri <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/17/2001 09:56:10
On Tue, 17 Jul 2001, Todd Vierling wrote:
> : Minor correction (point of this email.) That's not always true.
> : SDSL circuits usually (always in my personal experience) use a seperate
> : loop / inside wiring than your POTS does. There is DSL that travels over
> : your POTS line but this is usually the cheaper services(residential
> : targeted , $50/month stuff.)
> Hence the part: "...if you don't have an extra wire pair to spare in your
> phone wiring." If you have an extra wire pair that is not being used with
> POTS service, you don't have to worry about sharing of signals, filters, and
> the lot.
Nod. It varys on the type of service you order also, which is why I felt
it nessicary to point that out.
For example with a DSL ISP that I am familiar with (the one where I have
my DSL through, among other things) you cannot get the service that I have
in anything but a dedicated pair setup (1.1 megabit SDSL) whereas if I
were too have 1.5/384 RADSL (residental targeted, rate adaptive DSL
service) you could not get it in anythign but line-sharing.
Anything we can say about either type of service is really only general
statements. It really comes down to who is your provider, and how they
deal with the technology at hand.
simian at replic d0t net