Subject: Re: Problems booting 1.5.1
To: Steven Sartorius <>
From: Ken Wellsch <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/12/2001 11:46:34
Steven Sartorius wrote:
> Guess I'm still enough of a newbie that I didn't realize this. I had
> thought that the way the numbering scheme worked was 1.5, then 1.5A-Z and
> then 1.5.1. Mea culpa! I guess this means that from 1.5W I can 'upgrade'
> to 1.5X-Z and then 1.6.
> Thanks for the explanation...
Your thinking seems quite reasonable to me and you are not alone in coming
to the conclusion that you did ... and yes, 1.5[A-Z][A-Z]* does go on to 1.6
I believe, while formal releases like 1.5.1 are carefully selected features
and bug fixes migrated over to the 1.5 branch from -current.
The URL below gives an explanation of the naming scheme:
-- Ken