Subject: Re: NetBSD Advocacy
To: None <>
From: Thomas Mueller <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/12/2001 05:18:33
>I've never heard of any harmful javascript, but I certainly understand where
>you're coming from if you don't want random crap popping up on your screen
>when you view pages, like popup ads and other annoying things like that.
>What's dangerous, I've heard, are ActiveX Controls. You can turn those off
>too in a M$ browser, but I don't know about NetBSD browsers.
You mean NetBSD has ActiveX support? I thought that was MS-Windows-only.
I prefer things that stand still over things that move around on Web pages.
from Wojciech Puchar:
> i've seen only UNIX lynx.
I currently use 32-bit DOS port from
DOS port lacks the facility to stop a stuck or unexpectedly long download with
'z'. Maybe something to do with the lack of multitasking? This DOS port of
Lynx has difficulty on domain with the weather pages
linked from
Some of the time, not on every page view, the download gets stuck near the end,
and all I can do is type Ctrl-C to terminate this Lynx. I'd like to see if
Linux and NetBSD versions breeze through without problems. OS/2 port had no
problems on this domain. Linux and NetBSD versions might have to wait for that
new computer I've been shopping for. Anything I do on this computer regarding
NetBSD would be essentially a preview. I don't even know if my CD-ROM drive
(Texel internal SCSI, 2x) would handle NetBSD CDs, or if the installation or
generic kernel would recognize the SCSI (Trantor T130B). With a new computer,
I would in all likelihood get a bootable ATAPI CD-RW drive, and of course, a
much bigger hard drive than I have now.