Subject: Re: cvs co only mi/generally needed and i386 required files?
To: Scott Presnell <>
From: Nigel Reed <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/14/2001 17:23:34
I use the following with sup when I just want the kernel sources for
i386. (obviously remove the comments). It's been a while since I've
used it, you may also need to get the common kernel sources too but
I can't remember exactly what that contains (ksrc-common).
#current release=ksrc-i386 hostbase=/ftp/pub \
#base=/usr/current prefix=/usr/current backup use-rel-suffix compress delete
There's a list on somewhere as to what other sets
there are available.
On Thu, Jun 14, 2001 at 02:56:02PM -0700, Scott Presnell wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> As I write this, I'm watching a cvs checkout of a bunch
> of syssrc files for ports I will likely never need. Is there a way
> to use cvs or sup to pull just machine independent and specified
> port (e.g. a handful I might use (e.g. i386) kernel files?
> Thanks.
> - Scott