Subject: Re: Integrate aperture driver?
To: Jason R Thorpe <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/13/2001 18:53:01
> > no, i understand completely.  i just think that the use of the
> > aperture driver to support running the x server at securelevel 1 is
> > better then just running at securelevel -1.  it's like the file flags,
> > which are ultimately just another level of obfuscation.
>Personally, I would rather people *KNOW*, by having to set the system
>to "insecure mode", that the XFree86 software is terrible, from a security
>standpoint.  By having the aperture driver, you're glossing over the
>fundamental problem, and so poeple who don't know what it does may not
>realize that they're opening a security hole on their system.

okay.  i know what it does, and i feel i understand the consequences.
i will refrain from spreading more fud/fod.

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