Subject: Re: internet news feed backlog.
To: Paul \(NCC/CS\) <>
From: James Webster <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/30/2001 10:02:19
Unfotunately this is a NNTP design. You can try to create a pull feed, but
I believe the limit for pulling old messages is two weeks. The easiest
thing to do is to copy your old store to your new box and rebuilt its index.
Unfortunately I can be more specific in my steps as it has been at least two
years since I mucked with a NNTP server and my brain fails me.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul (NCC/CS)" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 8:04 PM
Subject: internet news feed backlog.
> Hi,
> I was wondering if someone can help me on this problem
> I've been working on for about a week or two.
> I have set up a new news server as I need to shift the old
> one from a linux box to my netbsd one. It works ok.
> And I set up a feed from the old box in the hope that all
> the old messages on the old box would be fed to the new
> one. But It only feeds to the new box "fresh" articles
> posted to the old box.
> My problem is simply that I need to get the existing
> articles on the old box onto the new one, but I can't
> figure out how to do it so we can make the new one
> go live/production.
> Surely there is some way to import all the old news?
> Any help appreciated,
> thanks,
> Paul.
> --
> ____________________________________________
> Paul (
> National Climate Centre
> Australian Bureau Of Meteorology
> ____________________________________________