Subject: internet news feed backlog.
To: None <>
From: Paul \(NCC/CS\) <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/30/2001 13:04:06
I was wondering if someone can help me on this problem
I've been working on for about a week or two.
I have set up a new news server as I need to shift the old
one from a linux box to my netbsd one. It works ok.
And I set up a feed from the old box in the hope that all
the old messages on the old box would be fed to the new
one. But It only feeds to the new box "fresh" articles
posted to the old box.
My problem is simply that I need to get the existing
articles on the old box onto the new one, but I can't
figure out how to do it so we can make the new one
go live/production.
Surely there is some way to import all the old news?
Any help appreciated,
Paul (
National Climate Centre
Australian Bureau Of Meteorology