Subject: Re: (just joined) wscons driver and support for alternative resolutions?
To: None <>
From: Joane Lispton <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/27/2001 06:30:28
> > I would like to know if I can use the i386 wscons console driver at a
>it's rather wsdisplay part of vga driver which can only do few text modes.
Sorry, could you please tell me something more about wsdisplay (I still
don't have NetBSD installed; my CD hasn't arrived)? Does it support 1024x768
in text mode?
Or did you mean that the limitation (i.e., not being able to run the console
at higher resolutions) lies in wsdisplay rather than in wscons itself?
Did I understand you correctly?
Thank you for any information,
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