Subject: ANSI Fonts in X
To: None <>
From: Rodrick Brown <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/26/2001 20:46:14
For some reason I Cant get ANSI fonts to work in Xterms.
I download 3 smoothansi.pcf nexus.pcf and bright.pcf
All are placed in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc
then I did the following
mkfontdir ; xset fp rehash
xterm -fg white -bg black -fn <new_font>
For some reason my font doesn't seem to be getting loading?? Is there
Something I'm doing wrong.
$ Uname -a
NetBSD zues 1.5 NetBSD 1.5 (GENERIC) #1: Sun Nov 19 21:42:11 MET 2000
fvdl@sushi:/work/trees/netbsd-1-5/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC i386