Subject: Re: mkhybrid and/or vnconfig problem
To: None <>
From: Arto Huusko <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/25/2001 13:37:52
> Could offer me any suggestions about a problem I'm experiencing with
> myhybrid running on a NetBSD/i386 1.5 machine, please?
> The problem is that one of my files doesn't seem to be written properly
> to the iso file created by mkybrid.
> The command I used to create the iso file (which seemed to work all
> right) was:
> % ./mkhybrid -log-file log.file -o cd.iso \
> -r -J -V "Store Log" store.log.gz
> re-directing all messages to log.file
> I mounted the file as a virtual disk device using the commands:
> vnconfig -c vnd0 cd.iso
> mount -t cd 9660 /dev/vnd0c /mnt
> which worked with this iso file as expected.
One single thing kept nagging at me while reading your mail:
Did you try to write the iso image to an actual CD at all?
I haven't had any problems with mkhybrid nor recording with NetBSD.
Thus, I think it might be possible that the problem is with
virtual disks, rather than mkhybrid. Especially the strangeness in
shifting values reported from the tarball on the virtual disk
makes that sound possible for me.
What I'd do, is burn the image. If the image really is broken,
you've lost only one CD and know for sure that mkhybrid or something
else is broken. Otherwise, its your vnd...
Arto Huusko