Subject: Re: Supported Network adapter?
To: Greywolf <>
From: John Hawkinson <jhawk@MIT.EDU>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/18/2001 00:00:56
| When I went to install 1.5, the INSTALL kernel could not find the NIC.
| It told me that there were no available network cards by which to install
| NetBSD. I remember this distinctly, because I had to copy over a kernel via
| floppy and boot from that kernel.
That means you found a bug of some sort, or a problem with probing, or
something. You should not construe it to mean it is not
supported. You should check explicitly.
That being the case, please give booting the INSTALL kernel another try and
confirm that it is still broken or fixed, and file a PR if appropraite. Thanks.