Subject: mount_mfs questions
To: None <>
From: Steven Grunza <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/07/2001 11:16:26
I'm running NetBSD-1.5 on a P4 with 1GB of memory. I keep getting "file
system full" messages when /tmp overflows rebuilding the locate
database. Since I typically only use 100 to 200 MB of physical memory
while running, I'm considering creating a 256MB MFS drive mounted as
/tmp. My questions are:
1) When is the best time to do this? In /etc/fstab or in /etc/rc.local?
2) How do I do this? I've been trying various incantations but haven't
gotten mount_mfs to work yet. The man page doesn't have an example...
3) Is this a good idea or should I just symlink /tmp to
/really_big_and_empty/tmp? It seems that using MFS would result in faster
process execution....
Thanks in advance
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