Subject: Re: Problems with HDs and VIA Chipsets
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/30/2001 19:13:17
> Supermicro, Micron (it seems they don=B4t have mobos anymore) as=20
> well as Systms from Dell and Compaq. These boards cost around=20
> USD 900,-- here. I considered using one as they seem to be the=20
so they ARE expensive.=20
> only x86 boards that support 64Bit PCI and 1024MB Dimms.
> > i have ABIT motherboard which works STABLE at 133Mhz.
> It is overclocked by the manufacturer.
yes. but testes for stability and well tested (works ultrastable for me)