Subject: Re: Problems with HDs and VIA Chipsets
To: None <>
From: Charles M. Hannum <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/30/2001 01:02:20
BTW, don't try this at home, but it appears that with a specific
misconfiguration of the BX northbridge, plus a heat sink, you can
actually run the AGP bus at 100MHz (and therefore hang a 50MHz PCI bus
off of it, or perhaps boost the speed of a 133MHz AGP card running off
a BX). You couldn't ship a product that way, but some overclocker
might have fun with it.
Specifically, if you pull the FSB frequency select (I forget the name
of the pin offhand) to the wrong value, the northbridge will think it's
running at 66MHz, and pass through your 100MHz FSB clock directly to
the AGP bus rather than dividing it. I haven't tried using this mode
extensively, but some I/O traffic definitely worked.
(This was discovered purely by accident.)