Subject: Re: Installing onto a secondary drive
To: Andrew Steven Ball <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/27/2001 10:25:50
On Fri, Apr 27, 2001 at 01:35:55AM -0400, Andrew Steven Ball wrote:
> Hello!
> Today I picked up a serial cable I've wanted for a while,
> and because I'd been messing with some terminal software on
> a PC that has no hard disk, I thought I'd start to look at
> how to achieve login sessions via a serial port. A quick
> nose around in some man pages suggested I look at /etc/ttys.
> I looked at it, took a wild-assed guess as to the correct
> parameters (19200 BpS instead of 9600, 'yes' instead of 'no')
> and what do you know, it worked! Once again I am gob-smacked
> at how straightforward some things are under NetBSD!!
> On a different topic, I'm thinking of putting NetBSD on
> another machine, which has two ATA fixed disks. With help
> from the list, I have succeeded in the past to install
> NetBSD from a FAT partition on the disk to which I was
> installing.
> On this machine, I would like to install NetBSD on the
> second physical disk drive, using the primary (FAT)
> partition of the first physical disk drive as my source
> media.
> 1. How would I go about achieving this?
I think you can say install from 'unmounted partition' from
Or get a shell, mount your fat partition on /foo and choose
'install from mounted partition'
> 2. Once NetBSD is installed on the second drive, can I use
> something like DOSBOOT to load NetBSD?
Yes, or better install NetBSD's boot selector on first disk.
It will load MBR or second disk when pressing F5 or F6 (I don't
remember which one)
> 3. If at some point I plan to switch the drives round (or
> put the NetBSD drive into another machine), will it be
> possible to make that drive bootable (or should I start
> from scratch)?
I suspect you'll have to change your fstab (wd1 -> wd0) but that's all
Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI.