Subject: Running StarOffice v5.1 under NetBSD v1.5 as an ordinary user.
To: None <>
From: Ib-Michael Martinsen <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/26/2001 10:54:30
Dear list-members.
Encouraged by the lot of messages about StarOffice and the
installationguide by Anne ( I decided
to try the installation myself. The guide was not quite
detailed enough to get me through the process. So here is
what I have done:
StarOffice v5.1 was fetched from
As root I did the following:
cd /tmp
tar -xvf so51a_lnx_01.tar
cd /tmp/so51inst/office51
mkdir /proc
Insert the following entry into /etc/fstab and mount /proc
/proc /proc procfs rw 0 0
rename all LIB*SO files to lowercase filenames
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/tmp/s051inst/office51
export DISPLAY=:0.0
Accept license
Enter personnal details
Select custom installation
install to /usr/local/Office51
Against my will StarOffice is installed in
/usr/pkg/emul/linux/usr/local/Office51 instead of
select all components
ignore Java/JavaScript notice about missing Java Runtime Environment
cd /tmp
rm -rf /tmp/so51inst
cd /usr/pkg/emul/linux/usr/local/Office51/bin
mv soffice soffice.orig
cp soffice.orig soffice
Change soffice line 18 from
SCO_SV) test=/bin/test ;;
NetBSD | SCO_SV) test=/bin/test ;;
Restart KDE
If I then as an ordinary user execute the commands:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/pkg/emul/linux/usr/local/Office51/bin
the script soffice is executed but nothing happens, not even a
core-dump is produced.
If I su to root and do the same:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/pkg/emul/linux/usr/local/Office51/bin
then StarOffice starts with the error messages:
The component (PluginManager) could not be loaded.
Please start setup with the option repair.
InternetSetupWizard: No resource loader found.
So I exit StarOffice and execute
su - root
cd /usr/pkg/emul/linux/usr/local/Office51/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/pkg/emul/linux/usr/local/Office51/lib
./setup -repair
Logging in as an ordinary user and executing
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/pkg/emul/linux/usr/local/Office51/bin
still does not start StarOffice, but after su'ing to
root it is possible and I get the InternetSetupWizard,
which I answer.
Logging back to the ordinary user, it is still impossible to
start StarOffice.
Can anyone tell me how to start StarOffice as an ordinary user?
How do I install StarOffice in /usr/local/Office51
instead of /usr/pkg/emul/linux/usr/local/Office51?
Or should I upgrade to v5.2?
Best regards
Ib-Michael Martinsen
email at home:
email at work:
Running NetBSD/i386 v1.5 because my RiscPC has broken down :-(