Subject: Re: ugen is really a umodem
To: Heiko Rupp <>
From: Lennart Augustsson <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/25/2001 02:41:31
You can be USB1.1 compliant without talking a known device
protocol. Talking to the vendore is the only way to know.
Unless you want to reverse enginer it.
-- Lennart
Heiko Rupp wrote:
> From: "Lennart Augustsson" <>
> > If this is a modem that follows the spec it should attach automagically,
> > if it's not it's hard to tell what protocol it uses.
> Hm. The only thing I found so far is that it claims to support USB1.1 on
> that side and V.250/251 for the modem commands.
> Is there a tool that could help finding out, what spec this follows?
> I try to contact Elsa. Perhaps something can also be found in Linux.
> Heiko
> --
> Heiko W.Rupp,,