Subject: Re: StarOffice working for NetBSD 1.5?
To: Alan Barrett <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/24/2001 11:26:03
Hi Alan,
Thanks, I got a lot further. Now I'm just having problems getting the /proc filesystem to mount. See my continuing messages in the thread.
Alan Barrett enscribed:
> > The other problem is I can't get StarOffice 5.2 to work (even
> > after copying all the necessary libraries to /emul/linux/lib). Has
> > anyone had any success with this or can someone tell me where I
> > can find a copy of so-5_2-ga-bin-linux_en?
> Try this to get StarOffice 5.2 to work on NetBSD/i386:
> * Start with a NetBSD/i386 machine with a sufficiently recent kernel
> with sufficient Linux compatibility stuff installed. I don't know
> what's sufficient here; I used NetBSD-current as of a month or so ago
> with a COMPAT_LINUX kernel and with the suse_linux-6.3nb2 package
> installed from pkgsrc.
> * Fill in the registration form and download the huge (approx 100MB)
> linux executable file from Sun's web site. I forget the file name.
> * Install it on a Linux/i386 system. I got a Linux-using friend do
> this part for me, but I believe that it involves something like:
> - Be root in a shell in an xterm on an X display on the Linux box.
> - Run the huge executable program with the "-net" option.
> - When it asks for a directory name, give an appropriate name.
> It will unpack itself into a ton of files within the specified
> install directory.
> * Copy the install directory from the Linux/i386 machine to the
> NetBSD/i386 machine (or I think you can even NFS-mount it read-only).
> You don't need to use the same directory name on both machines.
> * On the NetBSD box, create /usr/bin/test as a symlink to /bin/test.
> You can avoid this step if you instead hack a few of the StarOffice
> scripts.
> * Each user on the NetBSD box needs to do this the first time:
> - Be running a shell under your own userid in an xterm on an X
> display on the NetBSD box.
> - Run ${install_dir}/program/soffice, where ${install_dir} is where
> you copied the install directory tree that you got from the Linux
> box.
> - Answer the questions. It will copy some stuff into your home
> directory.
> * Later, to run StarOffice, just run ${install_dir}/programs/soffice
> on an X display. You can install a symlink or a window manager menu
> item to make it easier.
> --apb (Alan Barrett)
Time exists solely (\`--/') _ _______ .-r-.
for the purpose of >.~.\ `` ` `,`,`. ,'_'~`.
preventing everything (v_," ; `,-\ ; : ; \/,-~) \
from happening at once. `--'_..),-/ ' ' '_.>-' )`.`.__.')
stripes at tigerlair dot com ((,((,__..'~~~~~~((,__..' `-..-'fL