Subject: Re: Problems with ext2 partitions :(
To: None <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/08/2001 17:14:02
On Sat, Apr 07, 2001 at 05:07:56PM +0200, wrote:
> fdisk wd1 on one console
> disklabel -I -i wd1
> and edit disklabel. use ? to help, edit disklabel info and then edit
> wd1e,f,g for your 3 linux partitions (copying sector start and size from
> fdisk output). enter MSDOS as type - it should not matter much but i don't
> know if there is EXT2 type in disklabel partitions
Hum, I wouldn't do that. As the disk doesn't have a NetBSD partition it'll
put the disklabel at start of the drive, thus trashing the first blocks.
I'm not sure what impact this can have on the first ext2, and depends on how
the partitions looks like.
You can use 'mbrlabel' wich will put an in-core disklabel (not written to
disk) with all the partitions.
Anyway, ext2fs is considerably slower than FFS on NetBSD (because of the
ext2's small block size it can't do clustered read/writes). I suggest
backing up the data, relabeling/newgsing the disk and restore data.
Manuel Bouyer <>