Subject: Re: 1.5 installation into Cyrix from scratch
To: David Brownlee <>
From: Frank van der Linden <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/05/2001 23:08:51
On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 05:50:16PM +0100, David Brownlee wrote:
> > - After installation, my machine didn't boot. It showed
> > "Invalid partition table" error. I need to do "fdisk -B"
> > by hand. This hard drive was a boot drive of Win98, so I
> > thought it already have Win98's MBR. Maybe Win98's MBR
> > is not compatible... Is it possible to install MBR
> > automatically with confirmation as a part of installation
> > job?
> We _really_ ought to ask if we should unconditionally overwrite
> the MBR - did the 1.5R snapshot not include a question like this?
We do. If there are multiple partitions in the MBR, you get asked if
you want to instal 1) a bootloader, if not 2) the normal bootcode.
In the case of using only NetBSD, the bootcode will always be written.
So the bootcode will only not be installed if the user explicitly
desires so, by answering 'no' in both cases in the 1st case. In
that case you get what you asked for..
This has been the case since 1.5.
- Frank
Frank van der Linden
Quality NetBSD CDs, Support & Service.