Subject: RE: Booting multiples operating systems
To: None <>
From: Jenkins, Graham K \[IBM GSA\] <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/04/2001 18:42:02
	> From:	Borchert, IT-IS S254, B []
	> Sent:	Wednesday, 4 April 2001 6:26 pm
	> Subject:	Booting multiples operating systems
	> I have a question about booting multiples operating systems.
	> On the first disk I have windows95 for my child, freebsd and
netbsd15 for me.
	> On the second disk are linux and another netbsd15 installation for
testing purposes.
	> How can I configure the bootloader so, that I can all systems
boot? With fdisk -B I
	> get only a menu of systems which are on the first disk. How can I
add the others on 
	> the second disk to the menu ? I dont want to use lilo.

Why not??