Subject: Re: Ethernet [MAC] addresses
To: Berndt Josef Wulf <>
From: Scott Bartram <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/22/2001 10:09:10
Berndt Josef Wulf wrote:

> Mark White wrote
>> Can somebody enlighten me: is it possible to change the
>> ethernet [MAC, ie xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx] address of a network
>> interface?
>> It looks [from the ifconfig(8) manpage] like setting the
>> ethernet address  should be possible in a similar way to
>> setting IP address, but I can't seem to figure out the
>> syntax.  [On linux boxen, I've previously done this with the
>> "hw" option to ifconfig]
> AFAIK, you can't... MAC addresses are uniques numbers assigned to NICs at
> time of production by the manufacturer. 
> I can't see the point of wanting to change this, but you must have
> your reasons... perhaps you can enlighten me on this one...

Several "high-availability" systems use MAC address modification as part
of their low level mechanism. It would be nice to have it available on
NetBSD too.