Subject: Re: Andy builds a monster...
To: Andrew Steven Ball <>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/03/2001 01:27:03
Andrew Steven Ball writes:
> Hello Richard!
> RR> If you manually untar the files, I'm not sure what
> > automatic steps would be skipped. Two things that I'd
> > check would be...
> Thanks. Unless I can figure out this disklabel thing I may
> not be able to use NetBSD. Obviously this is down to my
> limited knowledge, not any problem with NetBSD.
Are you using 1.5 with sysinst? If so, try the following:
boot into sysinst
exit to prompt
fdisk wd0
note the "start" and "size" values for the DOS partition. (in sectors)
'exit' to get back into sysinst
following sysinst install until you get to the "partitions"
menu where it will have wd0c and wd0d. (I think)
setup your NetBSD partitions.
switch to sectors instead of megabytes. (or just use sectors instead)
add a 'wd0g' (or next available) with the following info:
offset == start value from fdisk
size == size from fdisk
type == MSDOS
This should give you a 'wd0g' that you can use to install from. (I think)
I am doing this from memory, so you should adjust if you need to.
If you run into problems, try to post some of the fdisk output, and
output from 'disklabel wd0', etc.