Subject: Re: Two machines in one...
To: Andrew Steven Ball <>
From: Kevin P. Neal <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/29/2001 23:56:05
On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 03:49:10PM -0500, Andrew Steven Ball wrote:
> Hello Kevin!
> KPN> What's an A1500? I'm a long time Amiga guy
> > who is only familiar with US models.
> Commodore's A1500 was an Amiga A2000 without a
> hard disk. I nearly bought a SCSI card for it
Weird. My A2000 came with a 2090A controller and an ST-506 drive (which
recently died ... *sigh*). The label on the front says "2000HD". [1]
> I wonder if anyone has ever run NetBSD/i386 on an
> i386 bridgeboard <andy desperately fumbles to stay
> on-topic>
I had a 286 bridgeboard fall into my lap. I was wondering if it would
be possible/difficult to turn it into a bridge so I could use ISA
cards in my Amiga. Then I could have 100base-T on my A2000.
*Mmmmmmm, humor*
Oh, and my A1500 question to you was not CC'd to the list on purpose. Um,
well, anyway. This msg CC'd to both the PC list and the Amiga list
that this thread may be better off in.
[1] So, of course when I made a backup of my boot disk onto another
disk I used one of the 2.04-and-up filesystems by accident. I found
this out when I booted with the A2000 1.3 ROM and couldn't read even
boot the machine. Oh, and my floppy connector on the motherboard
broke so I guess I'll have to fix it. Oh, and no network card. Oh, and
the serial port is busted. Oh, um, darn.
Kevin P. Neal
"Nonbelievers found it difficult to defend their position in \
the presense of a working computer." -- a DEC Jensen paper