Subject: Re: Matrox G450 and 1.5/i386?
To: George Coulouris <>
From: Matthieu Herrb <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/27/2001 23:01:52
You wrote (in your message from Saturday 27)
 > That is, when I start xinit, everything looks as though it's starting
 > correctly, but I either get stripes on my screen (sometimes a block that
 > moves when I move the mouse), or "out of scan range". The I2C/DDC stuff
 > works correctly, in that the card has a chat with the monitor to determine
 > the proper vertical and horizontal scan rates, and these are correctly
 > reflected in my XF86Config. The other thing is that the XFree86 process
 > seems to get stuck in a loop, as it quickly ramps up to 99% cpu after
 > starting xinit.

I've seen those symptoms on a G400, when the memory size was not
correctly detected. Try adding a 'videoram' line with the correct
amount of RAM for your board (in kilo-bytes) in your "Device"
section in XF86Config. 